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Regular Monthly Meeting
Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
November 22, 2010
Dodgingtown Fire Dept.
Called to Order at 7:03 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch and Wlasuk

Marshal’s Present:  Frampton, and Ober

MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes of the Monthly Meeting of October 18, 2010, be accepted as corrected.

MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 25, 2010, be accepted as presented.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
11/22/10        BOFC/Ciaccia                    Policies and Procedures
11/22/10        Cragin/Ciaccia                  Turnout Gear - Botsford

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Public Participation – Michael Floros discussed the Fairfield Hills Master Plan

Fire Marshals Report:

Frampton reported:
  • For the month of October there were 119 calls, 408 incidents and 363 hours worked.   $100 in for permits.
  • Total damage $16K for the month.
  • The portable nickel radios from the Police Department (formerly) – Halstead will review inventory and get back to BOFC.
  • Burton to store radios.
Standing Committees:

Budget - Report will be included in New Business.

Truck – McCulloch reported:
  • DOT and Pump Testing in progress through November.
  • Hose testing is complete.
  • Tires for Ladder and NH&L Command Vehicle
  • If commissioner’s department’s needs tires, see Rob McCulloch.
  • Chain for 221 – Rob will contact Public Works Department
Radio – no report

Policy and Procedures – Dugan reported:
  • Tuberculosis testing completed for 45 people (3 departments).  $810 fee for testing in 2011-2012.
  • DOT physical cost is $120 per test for the first time.  $70 thereafter.
  • Disbursed Policies and Procedures packages to all commissioners.
Hydrant –
  • Steve Murphy stated that Holmes Farm Road hydrant needs inspection.
  • Joe Farrell stated that Old Hawlevyille Road hydrant needs repair. McCarthy stated that to repair this hydrant is too costly.  
Purchasing Agent – No report.

NUSAR – McCarthy stated  basketball game phone calls are being made.

Old Business:   
  • NHL Firehouse Update – Rob Manna stated that the next meeting that must be attended is the Wetlands Commission meeting on December 8th and the Borough Zoning Meeting of 12/13/10.
New Business:
  • 2011-2012 Annual Budget -  Burton stated that the budget is due 12/3/10 to Bob Tait.
  • Burton presented the Budget Committee’s recommendations for the budget to the BOFC.
  • Sandy Hook roof repair is an immediate need.
  • Future paving will be “as needed” per chiefs.
  • FF Incentive Plan $230K recommended; Savings Plan Portion approximately $130 and Reimbursement Program $100K.  
  • Particular equipment repairs should not be a separate line item.
MOTION:  Dugan made a motion to add $2K to the equipment line item ($400 for each company) for gear repairs.
SECONDED:  McCulloch

AMENDMENT:  Burton made a motion to take the $2K ($400 for each company) for gear repair out of the $4K incidental (estimated).
SECONDED:  Goosman

  • Capital $58,700
MOTION:  Goosman moved to accept the 2011-2012 budget in the amount of $1,189,738.00.

  • Training Funds:  
MOTION:  Burton made a motion to accept Botsford Fire Company’s requests in the amount of $200 for One Member EMR Class; $1,000 for EXO Escape Training; $125 for Danbury burn building rental on 11/13/10; and $350 for Danbury burn rental on 10/17/10.  
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION:  Wlasuk made a motion to accept Dodgingtown’s requests in the amount of $600 for 2Q license, training and onsite test date for two; $300 for fire officer training; $480 for Fundamentals of Fire 2nd edition and exam preps for hazardous material (4 books - $35 each), and exam preps for FF1 and 11; and $150 for Advanced Vehicle Extraction (2 @ $75 each).
SECONDED:  McCulloch

No change to current Seat Belt Policy.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey
Secretary BOFC